Valkannadi – or the hand mirrors are got a very special place among the aranmula kannadi models. 7 out of 10 requests we are getting everyday is of valkannadi’s. Though several models of aranmula kannadis are available, this has got a very good reputation among the models.
Valkannadi is a very traditional model of aranmula kannadi. During the early ages, the aranmula kannadi’s were made only in one model, which is valkannadi. the ladies used this valkannadi to admire their beauty, during the royal ages, and valkannadi is the most important thing in the auspicious ‘Ashtamangalya’ set.
And another fact is, the valkannadi resembles the goddess laxmi, means the goddess of wealth and prosperity. It believes that keeping an aranmula kannadi in home will invite the goddess lekshmy to the house, and that brings the wealth and prosperity to the house and its people.
Now a days, there is a variety of valkannadi models, which you can see here…